File System and Naming

The song name that displays is the song name contained in the ID3 tag.

If the song name is not present in the ID3 tag, then the radio displays the file name without the extension (such as .mp3) as the track name.

Track names longer than 32 characters or four pages are shortened. Parts of words on the last page of text and the extension of the filename do not display.

    See also:

    Immobilizer Operation
    This vehicle has PASS-Key® III+ (Personalized Automotive Security System) theft-deterrent system. PASS-Key III+ is a passive theft-deterrent system. The system is automatically armed when the key i ...

    Making a Call
    Calls can be made using the following commands. Dial or Call: The dial or call command can be used interchangeably to dial a phone number or a stored name tag. Digit Dial: This command allows a ph ...

    Accessories and Modifications
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