RVC Location

The camera is located in the bezel for the tailgate handle.

The camera is located in the bezel for the tailgate handle.

This shows the field of view that the camera provides.

A. View displayed by the camera
A. View displayed by the camera

A. View displayed by the camera
A. View displayed by the camera
B. Corners of the rear bumper

Displayed images may be further or closer than they appear. The area displayed is limited and objects which are close to either corner of the bumper or under the bumper do not display.

    See also:

    Trademarks and License Agreements
    Manufactured under license under U.S. Patent #'s: 5,451,942; 5,956,674; 5,974,380; 5,978,762; 6,487,535 & other U.S. and worldwide patents issued & pending. DTS and the Symbol are re ...

    Finding a Station
    To select the band, see “Audio Source” earlier in this section. Turn the MENU/SEL knob to find a radio station. To select a preset station, touch the FAV button and choose a preset station. Se ...

    Listing All Paired and Connected Phones
    The system can list all cell phones paired to it. If a paired cell phone is also connected to the vehicle, the system responds with “is connected” after that phone name. 1. Press and hold for tw ...