Drunk Driving
Death and injury associated with drinking and driving is a global tragedy.
Drinking and then driving is very dangerous. Your reflexes, perceptions, attentiveness, and judgment can be affected by even a small amount of alcohol. You can have a serious — or even fatal — collision if you drive after drinking.
Do not drink and drive or ride with a driver who has been drinking. Ride home in a cab; or if you are with a group, designate a driver who will not drink.
See also:
Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol)
Vehicles that have a FlexFuel badge and a yellow fuel cap can use either unleaded gasoline or ethanol fuel containing up to 85% ethanol (E85).
See Fuel E85 (85% Ethanol) on page 9‑76. For all o ...
How to Add Coolant to the Recovery Tank
You can be burned if you spill coolant on hot engine parts.
Coolant contains ethylene glycol and it will burn if the engine parts are hot enough. Do not spill coolant on a hot engine.
Notic ...
Finish Damage
Quickly repair minor chips and scratches with touch-up materials available from your dealer to avoid corrosion. Larger areas of finish damage can be corrected in your dealer's body and paint shop. ...