Drunk Driving
Death and injury associated with drinking and driving is a global tragedy.
Drinking and then driving is very dangerous. Your reflexes, perceptions, attentiveness, and judgment can be affected by even a small amount of alcohol. You can have a serious — or even fatal — collision if you drive after drinking.
Do not drink and drive or ride with a driver who has been drinking. Ride home in a cab; or if you are with a group, designate a driver who will not drink.
See also:
Gasoline Specifications (U.S. and Canada Only)
At a minimum, gasoline should meet ASTM specification D 4814 in the United States or CAN/CGSB-3.5 or 3.511 in Canada.
Some gasolines contain an octane-enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl ...
Managing the Vehicle Damage Repair Process
In the event that the vehicle requires damage repairs, GM recommends that you take an active role in its repair. If you have a pre-determined repair facility of choice, take the vehicle there, or have ...
California Perchlorate Materials Requirements
Certain types of automotive applications, such as airbag initiators, seat belt
pretensioners, and lithium batteries contained in Remote Keyless Entry transmitters,
may contain perchlorate material ...