Gasoline Specifications (U.S. and Canada Only)
At a minimum, gasoline should meet ASTM specification D 4814 in the United States or CAN/CGSB&-3.5 or 3.511 in Canada. Some gasolines contain an octane-enhancing additive called methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT). We recommend against the use of gasolines containing MMT. See Fuel Additives on page 9‑52 for additional information.
See also:
Using the Auxiliary Input Jack
Radios with an auxiliary input jack located on the lower right side of the faceplate can connect to an external audio device such as an iPod®, MP3 player, or CD player, for use as another source for ...
Engine Hour Meter Display
The Driver Information Center (DIC) can also display the number of hours the engine has run. To display the engine hours, turn the ignition off, then press and hold the reset button for at least four ...
Hydraulic Power Steering
Your vehicle has hydraulic power steering. It may require maintenance. See Power Steering Fluid Power Steering Fluid on page 10‑27.
If power steering assist is lost because the engine stops or ...