If Steam is Coming from the Engine Compartment
Steam from an overheated engine can burn you badly, even if you just open the hood. Stay away from the engine if you see or hear steam coming from it. Just turn it off and get everyone away from the vehicle until it cools down. Wait until there is no sign of steam or coolant before you open the hood.
If you keep driving when the engine is overheated, the liquids in it can catch fire. You or others could be badly burned. Stop the engine if it overheats, and get out of the vehicle until the engine is cool.
See also:
Heated Seats
Uplevel Climate Control System Shown, Base Similar
If available, the buttons are near the climate controls. To operate, the ignition
must be in ON/RUN.
Press or
to heat the driver or passenge ...
Towing with a Stability Control System
When towing, the sound of the stability control system might be heard. The system is reacting to the vehicle movement caused by the trailer, which mainly occurs during cornering. This is normal when t ...
Services Provided
• Emergency Fuel Delivery:
Delivery of enough fuel for the vehicle to get to the nearest service station.
• Lock-Out Service: Service to unlock the vehicle if you are locked out. A remote unlock ...